1. What time does service start? – Sundays; Early Worship Service, 8:45 a.m. / Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. / Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.

  2. Where is your church located?  – Click here for map and directions

  3. Where should I enter for worship? – When you arrive, you can enter the church through the wooden doors in the front.

  4. Is there anything in the service for my child(ren)? Is there a nursery provided? – We do offer Children's Church in which children ages 4 thru 5th grade are invited to attend their own church service following the first part of the worship service.  Our young people learn about God on their level using music and art in a fun and enriching atmosphere. It is at this age that we plant the seed of faith in Jesus Christ that later yields the fruit of a Christian.  Children's Church teachers are parents themselves, chosen due to their ability and eagerness in teaching young people about God's Word.  We also offer a nursery attendant children age birth to 3. The nursery has age appropriate toys, cribs, and a bathroom for toddlers. In addition, there is a quiet room at the back of the Sanctuary for parents who would like to listen to the service, but want to do so with children who aren't quite ready to sit through an entire service.

  5. How will I be greeted as a visitor? – You will be greeted coming in by one of our ushers and shown into the Sanctuary. We have an informal time at the beginning of our worship service for greeting one another. You may receive a handshake or two. We hope that no one will smother you with attention, but will make you feel welcome. We hope that you arrive as a visitor and leave as a friend!

  6. What is your typical order of worship? – Our order of worship includes Scripture reading, musical selections, and a sermon. We have a blended worship style, which includes traditional and contemporary music selections. Our service typically lasts an hour.

  7. How should I dress?  Is there a “dress code” required? – Looking around, you will notice immediately that there is no required “dress code.” Folks will be wearing everything from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts. You will see dress shoes and flip flops. We feel God is more concerned with the person inside the clothes.

  8. Do you celebrate Communion (the Lord’s Supper) and may I participate since I am not a member of your church? – Communion, or The Lord’s Supper, is typically celebrated the first Sunday of each month and is open to all who profess Christ as Lord and Savior. We have an “open Communion” table. You do not have to be a member of our congregation to participate in this sacrament because all who profess faith in Jesus Christ are a part of His family!

Other questions?
If you have any further questions, please call the church at (615)758-7434 or email us at Church@CloydsCPC.org.